Recognizing the warning signs of a seizure
Seizures are a neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. They can occur at any age and can be caused by various factors, including genetics, head injuries, and infections. Seizures can be classified into two main categories: generalized and partial. Generalized seizures affect the entire brain, while partial seizures affect only a specific part. Recognizing the warning signs of a seizure is crucial for timely intervention and ensuring the safety of the affected person. Aura or premonitory symptoms Premonitory symptoms or aura are one of the common symptoms of seizures. The intensity, type, and presence of these symptoms can differ from person to person. Individuals may experience premonitory symptoms in the form of unusual smiles, tastes, visual disturbances, unexplained anxiety or fear, a sense of deja vu, or sudden mood changes. It is essential to identify and recognize these symptoms during the early stages. Identifying the early signs provides an invaluable opportunity to prepare for a seizure. Altered sensations A person might experience a wide range of sensory disturbances because of seizures. This includes a tingling sensation and numbness in various parts of the body, an altered perception of pain, touch, or temperature, and a sense of pressure or heaviness.
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